How to make your mindset #strongER!


the established set of attitudes held by someone. A fixed mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person’s response to and interpretations of situations. An inclination or a habit.

Sooooooo….., based on the definitions of the word mindset it makes complete sense as to why it is imperative to spend time strengthening your mindset. And as far as training purposes and changing your body; you just can’t get a strong body with a weak mind- simple as that!
Mindset is EVERYTHING! And, once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it (including your physique)!!

So, what can we do to work on our mindset? Here are a few strategies that I use:

1. Positive affirmations- Sounds corny, I know, but don’t knock it till you try it (a least once)! Ex: I am amazing. I am #strong. I can do anything. Positivity is a choice. I celebrate my individuality. Nobody is me and that is my strength. I am prepared to succeed. Obviously, these are just suggestions. Feel free to be creative and develop your own positive affirmations. I also like to post my positive affirmations, so that I can see them regularly. TIP- Use dry erase markers to write these on your mirror, so that you can read them while you brush your teeth. I am a very visual person, so this works well for me. And there are also positive affirmation journals that help you create your own affirmations and Pinterest also has several ideas for post-it note affirmations, so check them out!

2. Journaling- By journaling you can reflect, analyze, gather your thoughts, express yourself, deal with and process your emotions, possibly rationalize them and eliminate the ones that are not rational AT all. This also allows you to problem solve and compartmentalize your thoughts, so that you may eliminate roadblocks and move forward towards your set goal(s).

3. Self-development- I’m a huge believer in self-development. If you are NOT doing this, then you MUST give this a try. This alone has the power to change your life and the direction you are headed. “One of the best things you can do to improve the world is to improve yourself.” I totally live by this mantra. The better I am, the more I have to offer; not only my clients, friends and family, but the world. I feel more equipped to make an impact on this world and to leave my legacy. And isn’t that what we all set out to do? Change the world just a tiny bit and leave our mark and make it a better place? I like to spend some time each day reading books like “You are a badass” by Jenn Sincero and “No Limits” by John Maxwell. Those are just two of my current reads. You should be making time to work on your mindset; just like you set aside time to workout. Strengthen your mindset just like a muscle!!!

4. – LOVE ❤️ yourself. You are a BADASS!! Practice positive self-talk- Quote from my mentor and bodybuilding coach Josh Bryant, Owner of Jailhouse Strong, “Mindset is everything and it starts with self-talk. Start talking to yourself like you would a good friend. If most people talked to their friends the way they talked to themselves soon they’d be friendless!” So, true! Why would you talk to yourself ANY different. Strive for positive self-talk and prepare for your mindset to change!

5. Surround yourself with positive, like- minded people that support you and force you to level up. You become like the people that you spend the majority of your time with. So, surround yourself with people that reflect who you want to be and how you want to feel, energies are contagious.

What do you do to make your mindset #strong? Feel free to share your personal strategies or any self-development books that you recommend in the comments section below. 🙂

Stay #strong,

Laura Nicole Hughes
Owner of #strong, LLC

One thought on “How to make your mindset #strongER!

  1. Love your POSITIVE post on Mindset. So many of my friends are going thru re-building like a lot of Houston right now. We all are hard on ourselves. We forget to take care of ourselves and be kind to ourselves. We can do it!!!! Thanks xoxo

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