The Three C’s

The Three C’s- Coffee, Caffeine, and low Calorie!!!!

When it comes to diamonds there are the three C’s- color, cut and clarity. BUT, when it comes to dieting these three C’s are a girl’s best friend- coffee, caffeine, and anything low Calorie!!!

In a deficit, there is NO question that you will be hungry if NOT absolutely famished most of the time, INCLUDING during mealtime and post meals (like literally right after you finish eating). It helps to know that this feeling is COMPLETELY normal and you are NOT crazy. #realtalk “in a fat loss there are two options- 1. starving 2. Not starving, BUT always hungry,” words of reassurance from my AMAZING macro coach, Mikey Weiss, who is also a very experienced dieter.

Here’s what I recommend to make losing fat a bit more manageable-
1. Caffeine- I drink a TON of water, but I can only drink so much of it until I want something different to drink (especially when not consuming alcohol!) Diet sodas and zero/low carb energy drinks like BANG and slow drip coffee with Truvia! I Love trying all different roasts and I do enjoy a decaf coffee at night instead of dessert or an espresso. Coffee will def. fill you up for a bit!!
2. Sugar free gum!!! I Carry it in ALL of my bags, in my pockets, in my car, and at my desk. This can really help distract you from being hungry and buy you some time before it is necessary to eat your next meal.
3. Cardio- most likely you are doing a lot of cardio during your diet, if not an insane amount.. or maybe not quite yet.. but, even though you probably won’t feel like doing cardio because you just want to EAT, jump on that elliptical and get to it, because believe it or not- doing cardio will take your mind off of the hunger as well.
4. Water- lots and lots of water does help you stay felling “full” in your stomach.
5. Cucumber sticks and other fibrous veggies like broccoli- these will fill you up and keep u fuller for longer. And they are very LOW in carbs and calories.
6. Fit in something you really, really enjoy at least once a day- it might be a small portion of it, but TRUST me, it will suffice- I really, really, like to start my day off with my favorite cereal- Lucky Charms, (granted it is only 30-45 grams of it, depending on what else I have planned for my macros that day). Currently, due to Easter being this past Sunday, I am spacing out ALL of my Easter goodies like Peeps and Cadbury Creme eggs across my macros. It might take me till June to finish all of it, but oh well. Well worth the wait in my opinion. If breakfast and the morning isn’t your thing, then try ending your day think right before bed with something small that you can look forward to all day! You are going to want more of it, of course, in a fat loss phase, but take what u can get and ENJOY it! I go through my phases of what I have to have- sometimes it’s 1/2 a serving of halo top with a 1/4 cup of fresh fruit, or when my macros and carbs get lower I switch to Arctic Zero with fat free cool whip.
7. Variety of lean proteins- change it up. This will keep you from getting bored with your food and burning out. Try out different simple recipes and rubs, and marinades. I like to keep two different types of protein prepared in the fridge, so that I have a little variety. Plan, plan, plan- sounds awful trite, but fail to plan, plan to fail. Want to be successful at following a diet? Then take the time to meal plan and meal prep ahead of time. There is NOTHING worse than being hangry and having to figure out what you are going to eat and measuring food out and preparing it while you are completely out of your mind starving. So…. to avoid this most def. always have some food on hand that is ready to eat- like cut and peeled and measured raw veggies in ziplocks that u can just grab and eat. Some type of protein like shredded chicken or even deviled eggs are also easy to grab and eat.
8. Keep little protein snacks on hand- Like the Think Thin new protein cakes, Eat Me guilt Free protein brownies, and lil’ buff protein cakes. These just like the packs of gum I keep on hand EVERYWHERE for when hunger strikes. Protein powder is also an easy go to- I keep 3 different flavors on hand to have some choice there as well. Prepared SNACKS everywhere and with you at all times just in case something takes longer than you expected.

Losing fat doesn’t have to be a miserable process. Try and manage your hunger as best as you can. 🙂 and keep your eye on the PRIZE!

Stay #strong,

Laura Nicole Hughes

Owner of #strong, LLC

7 Tips for Making It to The Gym When You Don’t Feel Like Going:

1. Caffeine– Coffee or my personal favorite- Bang (Star Blast) flavor energy drink!
Why caffeine? Caffeine is one of the best-tested ergogenic aids and is known to help athletes train harder and longer. Several research studies show caffeine ingestion yields significant improvements in exercise performance; caffeine increases muscle torque and activity during strength training exercise. And MOST importantly The Journal of Applied Physiology found that caffeine increased the level of enjoyment from exercise! 🙂

2. CARBS– A little sugar goes a long way!
Processed sugar causes a spike in blood sugar and insulin levels, but also increases endorphins that can boost your mood and provide a chemical “high” and bump up your energy level.
Gym rat tip- always keep some candy in your gym bag! I love the sour cherry gummy bites from Target or the Twin (Happy) Cherries from Haribo.

3. Enlist a friend-
Swolemates make the world go round and misery LOVES company especially when its CARDIO that has to get done.

4. Music-
Music and mood are inherently linked. You can dial up a mood, mindset or perception on demand by choosing music that elicits a specific emotional response in you. All music is a powerful tool that you can use to alter your perceptions at a neural level.
Listen to some classic throw backs, try out a new Pandora station, or download some new jams! I LOVE going through the new releases on iTunes to find some new music to fuel my workout.

5. Dress to impress-
Put on your favorite gym shirt or outfit! And throw on a little EXTRA makeup and maybe some glitter! WTH not? “Look good, feel good!” In the world of sports psychology, a players’ appearance can actually affect his or her performance. Enclothed cognition is the influence that clothing- what you are wearing- has on a person’s emotions. Clothes have a symbolic meaning, and a person can have different physical experiences with different articles of clothing. Allegedly, Michael Jordan couldn’t play without his North Carolina shorts under his Chicago Bulls shorts.

6. Motivational content-
Watch a training video on YouTube or listen to a motivational podcast. I recommend The Rock (really who doesn’t want to watch him?!) Johnson motivational Eric Thomas Speech 2018! If that doesn’t get you amped up to hit the gym, then I don’t know what will.

7. Visual stimulation-
Look back at your own photos and training videos. Admire your personal hard work and progress! Reflect on the current goals you are working on. Give yourself a quick pep talk and Be your own COACH!

MOST importantly get yourself to THE GYM!!! That’s the KEY!! Most of these workouts turn out to be some of your best training sessions!!! And even if it isn’t, you won’t regret getting your workout done! And just keep doing it time after time because you are establishing the pattern. The follow through and consistency is SO important. This creates discipline and on the days that you are not motivated, you will have the discipline and a few tips to help you get you there!

Stay #strong,

Laura Nicole Hughes

Owner of #strong, LLC 

“Bulletproof” Your Body By
Completing a Proper Warm-Up!

BRRRRRR its been WAY to winteresque in Texas lately!!!!!! We def. had to dress like snow bunnies in order to squat today!!!
Today made me REALLY think about the importance of a good warm-up before a strength training session.
I’m a creature of habit and I like to warm-up slow and steady. And I have to be careful not to use up too much of my energy, so I keep my reps low during my warm-up, sometimes its merely to feel the weight.
I always warm-up in the same way for my main lifts. The body and mind love routine and consistency! I always warm-up with an empty bar REALLY slow and pause slightly at the bottom of the rep. I start with 5-6 reps with the empty bar and then add quarters for a few reps and then plates and then a plate and a quarter, etc.
The most important benefit of the warm up for me is to activate my central nervous system. Its imperative for me to prepare my mind for action especially on lifts that DON’T come natural to me.
But, other benefits of a proper warm up include:
  1. Injury prevention
  2. Gets your heart pumping- improved blood circulation
  3. Improved performance- when your body is properly warmed up your muscles and joints are ready for maximum flexibility, which means you can perform each exercise with PROPER FORM like squatting to depth for example; which using proper form and squatting to depth maximizes your results and minimizes the risk of injury.
  4. Movement practice- Practicing the movement patterns teaches muscle harmony (neuromuscular adaption) and continues to prepare your body for acton (NSCA).

Bad warm-ups leave strength on the table because you never train at your highest potential. And if you don’t have time for a proper warm-up then you don’t have time for a workout.

 Things to Remember-
  • Listen to your body’s cues during your warm-up, correct form and posture before you get to your working weight OR if something doesn’t feel right or if the lighter weights feel heavy then you might want to bail on that workout/lift for that day
  • Your warm-up should NOT fatigue you!!!
The result of a good warm-up is MORE muscle and LESS injuries!
Stay #strong & warm!
Laura Nicole Hughes
Owner of #strong, LLC

Don’t let the fear of falling stop you from flying!

Fall down 7 times get up 8

Life might be more about the falls we take, then the getting back up…. if you aren’t willing to fall, then you aren’t ready for success- kind of like falling in love.

For me personally, I would rather be ALL in and fail, then live with the regret of never trying. I’d rather take the chance and risk it all to be able to look back and not have the linger of “what if?.” There is absolutely NO shame in my game.

But, in the fall and having these bad days is what makes us human. These elements create who we truly are as people. The fall is where we LEARN. It’s where we BUILD 💪🏻. It’s where we GROW. We come back stronger after each fall we take. Human beings are meant to weather the storms that come our way. We are dynamic creatures and growth is paramount to moving forward and evolving. We can’t progress and become the people we are supposed to be, if we don’t EVER fall. Not to mention- success and achieving our dreams wouldn’t mean anything without the fall… just like falling in love wouldn’t be anything without the chase. There would be NO story to tell. No life worth living with the absence of the falls.

Stay #strong,

Laura Nicole Hughes
Owner of #strong, LLC

How to make your mindset #strongER!


the established set of attitudes held by someone. A fixed mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person’s response to and interpretations of situations. An inclination or a habit.

Sooooooo….., based on the definitions of the word mindset it makes complete sense as to why it is imperative to spend time strengthening your mindset. And as far as training purposes and changing your body; you just can’t get a strong body with a weak mind- simple as that!
Mindset is EVERYTHING! And, once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it (including your physique)!!

So, what can we do to work on our mindset? Here are a few strategies that I use:

1. Positive affirmations- Sounds corny, I know, but don’t knock it till you try it (a least once)! Ex: I am amazing. I am #strong. I can do anything. Positivity is a choice. I celebrate my individuality. Nobody is me and that is my strength. I am prepared to succeed. Obviously, these are just suggestions. Feel free to be creative and develop your own positive affirmations. I also like to post my positive affirmations, so that I can see them regularly. TIP- Use dry erase markers to write these on your mirror, so that you can read them while you brush your teeth. I am a very visual person, so this works well for me. And there are also positive affirmation journals that help you create your own affirmations and Pinterest also has several ideas for post-it note affirmations, so check them out!

2. Journaling- By journaling you can reflect, analyze, gather your thoughts, express yourself, deal with and process your emotions, possibly rationalize them and eliminate the ones that are not rational AT all. This also allows you to problem solve and compartmentalize your thoughts, so that you may eliminate roadblocks and move forward towards your set goal(s).

3. Self-development- I’m a huge believer in self-development. If you are NOT doing this, then you MUST give this a try. This alone has the power to change your life and the direction you are headed. “One of the best things you can do to improve the world is to improve yourself.” I totally live by this mantra. The better I am, the more I have to offer; not only my clients, friends and family, but the world. I feel more equipped to make an impact on this world and to leave my legacy. And isn’t that what we all set out to do? Change the world just a tiny bit and leave our mark and make it a better place? I like to spend some time each day reading books like “You are a badass” by Jenn Sincero and “No Limits” by John Maxwell. Those are just two of my current reads. You should be making time to work on your mindset; just like you set aside time to workout. Strengthen your mindset just like a muscle!!!

4. – LOVE ❤️ yourself. You are a BADASS!! Practice positive self-talk- Quote from my mentor and bodybuilding coach Josh Bryant, Owner of Jailhouse Strong, “Mindset is everything and it starts with self-talk. Start talking to yourself like you would a good friend. If most people talked to their friends the way they talked to themselves soon they’d be friendless!” So, true! Why would you talk to yourself ANY different. Strive for positive self-talk and prepare for your mindset to change!

5. Surround yourself with positive, like- minded people that support you and force you to level up. You become like the people that you spend the majority of your time with. So, surround yourself with people that reflect who you want to be and how you want to feel, energies are contagious.

What do you do to make your mindset #strong? Feel free to share your personal strategies or any self-development books that you recommend in the comments section below. 🙂

Stay #strong,

Laura Nicole Hughes
Owner of #strong, LLC

How to use your social media accounts to improve your health!

Stop mindlessly scrolling through your newsfeed in order to fill your free time. And instead, be productive, be social and improve your health ALL at the same time. Let your social media accounts benefit your personal health by using them to share your intentions with friends. Believe it or not- this is PROVEN to be an effective way to maintain healthy habits. And in a way it is kind of like the modern age, digital diary. It allows you to express yourself and your thoughts and even reflect and analyze your actions to make sure they are taking you one step closer to your goals. A support system is imperative to success when making a lifestyle change and social media allows you to build your own support system and it is COMPLETELY FREE. Another great thing about using social media to document your journey is that it also provides a timeline along with visuals of your journey and the milestones along the way (think Facebook Timehop). 🙂

Here’s how to start using your social media accounts to help you meet your health and fitness goals-

1. Set a goal for yourself and post it publicly for all of your friends and family to see. NEVER underestimate the power of POSITIVE re-inforcement.

2. Connecting with peers, friends, and family via social media can provide you with a daily sounding board for inspiration and healthy course correction. Try using popular hashtags that represent your goals, so that you can be connected with others on similar journeys. For example, try using hashtags like #fitness, #fitspo, etc.

3. Set repercussions if you don’t meet your goals and rewards for when you do. WITHOUT accountability none of us would EVER make progress! For ex: if you were supposed to go to the gym and you didn’t, then you might have to skip your t.v. watching time in the evening or get up early the next morning to hit the gym before work to make-up the workout that you missed to ensure your success. My favorite way to reward myself when I reach a set goal is by purchasing a new pair of gym shoes! Nothing motivates me for my next workout like new gym apparel. And it doesn’t have to hit your wallet hard either- try hitting up nearby outlets or by buying kids size shoes. 🙂

In some ways, social media sites can be better than fitness trackers and apps because they create intrinsic motivation to maintain healthy habits. They can be a more powerful motivator because receiving positive feedback from supportive people in your life will make you feel good, and as you feel better you will be more motivated to keep healthy habits. Give it a try and let me know how it goes!

Stay #strong,

Laura Nicole Hughes

Owner of #strong, LLC

Halloween Macro 101

Do you want to enjoy some Halloween treats, but still remain on track to meet your goals? If so, then check out my latest Youtube Video! In the Halloween Macro 101 video I give you the low down on macronutrients, walk you through reading a nutrition label and teach you how to record the nutrition facts into a food diary. SUPER simple! AND this flexible dieting tip will allow you to indulge in something sweet on holidays without negatively impacting your health and fitness goals.

Take a look at the video and let me know if you have any questions about macros or tracking. And don’t worry this is the first of many macro hacks to come!!

Stay #strong,

Laura Nicole Hughes
Owner of #strong, LLC

Tips to Stay on Track Through the Holidays!!

With Halloween being tomorrow that means Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner. The holidays are notorious for being a tough time to stay committed and on track to meeting goals. BUT, you don’t have to succumb to the avg. 7-10 lb. holiday weight gain (New England Journal of Medicine). 

Make an October Resolution today (before the month ends), instead of waiting till January to make a New Year’s Resolution. Study findings show that if you wait until January to overhaul your eating habits, you’re way behind. 

My personal tips to avoid the holiday season weight gain:

  1. Be aware of extra liquid calories– for ex. Eggnog, which can have over 350 calories per glass and the majority of the Limited Edition holiday Starbuck’s drinks can be packed with extra calories UNLESS ordered in a very specific way. I recommend looking up macronutrient information in a food tracker app. like My Fitness Pal before placing your order.
  2. Eat a snack before attending holiday parties- preferably a protein and carbohydrate snack like nuts or cheese and some fruit or even a protein bar like a My Bar for example would suffice. Words of advice- “Ruin your appetite before you go!”
  3. Maintain your exercise schedule or if you can- slightly increase your energy expenditure. 
  4. Get enough regular and consistent sleep– this will help keep your hunger and hormones in check to help lower your chances of over eating. 
  5. Share fitness goals on social media– this habit can hold you accountable to your previously set health and fitness goals. 

And remember the REASON for the season; which is NOT the food, and cherish the time spent with your friends and family making memories. 

Look out for the next blog post; which will delve further into the topic of using social media as a powerful tool to improve your health! 

Stay #strong,

Laura Nicole Hughes

Owner of #strong, LLC

Bands; Cheap, but Genius!

Do you use bands in your workouts? Or have you been curious about how to incorporate bands into your programing?

I absolutely LOVE using resistance bands in my personal training. They are perfect to use for a warm-up, as “active recovery” between other exercises or even as a “finisher” to your workout. And they are easy to scale for all skill levels; from beginners all the way to advanced bodybuilders. Bands are SO cheap, but SO genius! I HIGHLY recommend that you have bands at your home gym or even to keep a few in your gym bag, as there are so many exercises that can be performed with them. And they can also provide the perfect alternative for when the machine that you are wanting to use is occupied. 

One of my favorites that I use regularly is band pull aparts. This exercise builds healthy shoulders and can also increase your bench press and improve your posture. 

Check out the demo of this exercise and the explanation of how to perform it on my YouTube channel.